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Edit// i went back and completely redid everything on these two page, literally everything D: so i hope they look better now lol...///

i figured out why i thought the lines were looking bad... i was using a pen that was just a liiiitle bit too thick... D: its really difficult to tell when you are working on a page, because its just such a tiny different but for me it really change how the page looks. SO i have gone back and made the lines thinner on these and all the previous pages(ive updated them) but now it looks a bit off because i changed it when i was already done with the page D: ugh i just kinda wanna re ink all the page 🙃🙃 stuff like this buggs me so much

anyway! things are about to get very NSFW *v*;;;;



Eskimo princess

I think it looks much better! I didn't think it'd make a difference but it does!!


I think it looks better too. I feel Seki's expressions look more energetic.