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omg guys ive missed you so much ;A; 

how's everyone doing?

i feel like ive been gone a year haha

after i finished chapter 14 i took a little social media break, but then i got sick, like usual lol so it turned in to a longer break than i had anticipated D:

but im happy to say ive pretty much finished the script for chapter 15 :D 

tomorrow im starting the storyboard so that should be up for $10 patrons in a few days! i cant wait to start drawing this chapter :)  its a bit of a horny one...lol i might have to cut some stuff.. we'll see *v*;;

i just wanted to drop by and say that!

see you soon! i love you 

xoxo Rukan



Welcome back from your well deserved break! I'm excited for what's coming *-*

Kayoko P

Keep it horny. Make it hornier - just as long as Seki’s happy and you’re doing well!😌