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scanned it and adjusted it in photoshop :3 i should color it but it feels like too much work today D: im still really sick ;A; ugh  can i get better now plz ;A;

btw it was sooo nice inking traditionally again D: i haven't done that since  this  how crazy is that D: 

still after about 10 years of digital art-ing i feel more comfortable doing traditional work D:  its more relaxing and i feel like i get more detail in for some reason, i tend to get a bit bored inking digitally...why is that D:  i prefer sketching digitally tho :P and also i don't like coloring traditionally ugh such a dilemma :P

i wanna start doing SE;ki traditionally again *A*  but since i don't like sketching  traditionally i need a bigger printer..and i have a plan :3
i found a really nice printer for only like 250$  *A* so once i reach that amount here i will use that money and buy it! AND the good think about that is that i can finally do the postcard rewards i've been planning to do for so long!! so i'm gonna do that and i will also start selling art prints! :D how does that sound? :D 



Valerie Choong

Hope u feel better soon. Still love the pixfrom hair to sweatshirt ( so cute) & little details scattered on bed.