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only one page today D: "god damn it Rukan" im sorry 🙇‍♂️ im almost done with the next page.. but one panel is looking awful and i need to redo it.. and i can't right now because i really need to eat lunch 🙇‍♂️ but ill give you 2 on Tuesday..and 2 next Friday.. ahh im gonna die...no im kidding its probably fine... it might work better with the suspense this way 😀😅

ANYWAY in the last panel on the last page seki moved in for this kiss, but i think not alot of you picked up on it, so i went back and added a "kiss" sfx there to clarify :)

hehe.. my first draft for this chapter, it ended there..just with them having a nice moment on the balcony and then Seki moved out (not a spoiler, the comic starts with that :) ) buuut i felt like it left too many things hanging so i though "humm there hasn't been much drama lately, time to spice stings up a bit" lol and i went with an old idea that i had scrapped.. :D :D 

this chapter isn't over yet so i should not say too much.. but i cant help it haha im exited for the next part :D

its sucks that everything i say is a potential spoiler lol

now i need to go on weekend! happy weekend everybody!




Can't keep their hands off one another *wet kiss* indeed... dicks at the ready ⚔️


I love it! Also, I feel you should not feel obligated to apologize for uploading one page. Your work is highly superior quality and you make sure it is consistent.

rukan kawayama

Ah haha 😄💦 I wouldn’t say my work is superior quality 😅😅😅 but I try my best to make nice pages for you 💖 but thank you so much 😭