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only one page today because i need to sketch.. D: there will be no page on Tuesday, but ill be back next Friday with 2 again :3

have a nice weekend everyone! 




Thinking? What has he been thinking :o Seems he can finally get Yuki back to himself. Seems Yuki has stuff on his mind. He isn't thinking how inappropriate things between him and Seki are rn, given any age gap and him being his besties son


Him and Yuki hooking up is hot as fuck. The problematic dynamic makes it hotter. Hope Yuki doesn't turn creep. Seems like he's got some inner conflict about his sexuality that he hasn't worked through

rukan kawayama

yay thank you 👏 im glad you think so :D its so difficult writing about problamtic situations these days haha but with out some problematic stuff it would be a very boring comic lol