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 hi guys sorry im a bit late with this i was away over new years, but now im back so the drawing can commence :D 

...that text on the picture feels a bit pushy now but i DO have some awesome planes for this year! 

  • first im gonna print thoes damned postcards like i said months ago :P (i have reasons why i couldn't print them so don't think its cos i don't love you cos i do ;3; )
  • second; my goal this year is to finally finish redrawing/cleaning up ALL THE SE;KI CHAPTERS D: and upload them here for you to download!
  • AND!! im gonna try my f;ing best to print them (one by one) and give away as milestone rewards and/or to top level patrons! :D (im so excited!!)
  • and more! that i cant think im right now cos im super tired D: it's been a wild new years lol :P

i will continue regular SE;ki updates in february (i really really need january to catch up on drawing other things ;A; )but there will be a nsfw drawing and other stuff! if you have any requests feel free to seen me a PM! :Dtake care, i love you, hope this year will be great for all of you!! 

im so over tired right now haha...a...if there is anyspelling mistaked thats why...and also spellcheck dosnt work on patreon anymore???

btw; attatched is this drawing without all the purikura crap :3
