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hehe its been quite a while since i posted a REdrawn chapter 2 page it seems lol

i think i might stop this redraw for a while... i wanna have time to draw something else and after this scene there are pretty much no changes so this might be a good place to stop.. or should i continue? i was kinda looking forward to drawing the scene with Sei and Takeru.. hummm




I mean it's entirely up to you, I love both versions, yeah the next few pages don't seem like much is needed but I'm sure you'd have fun with Takeru & sexy Sei 💕 then the latest scenes in the chapter with SEki & Keisuke just naturally blend into chapter 3 as they are. Ah, he's got such a teenage look here, bless him, put him in your pocket & take him home ✌️

rukan kawayama

yeah thats the thing haha i wanna continue the redraw cos its fun, but since not much change is needed and the original Chapter 2 still looks okay idk what to do >w<;;;; i should probably put my time in to something new..


Whatever you wanna do author. If u wanna take a break, or fully stop cuz u think the rest looks ok, then go right ahead.