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so i just found out that im moving in ONE week D: i knew i was moving but i thought it wouldn't be till the middle of december D: 

so i won't be able to keep schedule for a while ugh im sorry ^^; but plz stick around i have some great things coming! :D especially one thing i can't tell you about just yet cos i wanna keep it a surprise :P and if i tell you i will start post things and never finish D:  and its not the bonus comic its something else that i have been wanting to do for a loooong time,,(its not tabigarasu ether lol ;A;; ) im so excited :D 

hope this little Seki maid doodle can cheer you up a bit on a day like this ;A;

now i gotta start packing... 



Valerie Choong

Seki looks so cute. ^^ Good luck with the move. it can be a real hassle.

Milk Assassin

where are you moving though? or is it within Sweden?

rukan kawayama

yes :) i'm only moving a few kilometers away from where i live now, its kinda in the middle of nowhere but its a great house :D i'm actually gonna be renting half the ground floor of an old school from the 20s and i will have about 100m2 to myself :D when i lived in japan my biggest apartment was like 20m2 so i'm stoked!