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ahh finally done sketching these D: im sorry updates on this chapter have been so uneven.. i got sick while writing it a few months ago if you remember, and i wans't super happy with it to begin so i have basically been rewriting the whole thing as ive been going along and maaaaan does everything take 10000000 times longer when you do that D: ugh.. im still kinda working on it lol but i hope thinks will go smother from here on out D:

btw i just today cut this kinda funny panel of seki not wanting to dance because it felt out of place now because ive been changing so much as im sketching haha




That last page lol..... I'm guessing they're laughing, out of breath, or both lol. You're doing a great job author!

Ellie Evans

EEEK looks so good already 😍🥰