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so like i said before im printing postcards for you as milestone rewards :)

my plan is to make one for each chapter, and i was gonna draw new pics for this but i literally have 100s of illustrations i've drawn over the years, some that i actually like :P plus i have soooo much to draw already D: so im thinking i should use old pics..^^;

this is just a mockup but they would look something like this :) i picked these  cos they represent the chapters pretty good and are different from each other :)

tell me what you think plz :D  like if you think this i great! :D 

comment if not :P

you can check my DA gallery to see if there's better drawing than theres :P 





Postcards? Where can I get these glorious postcards of your making?

rukan kawayama

have you missed my news :D haha i will be giving away postcard-packs as milestone rewards :D


I did NOT see that part. Oopsie.

rukan kawayama

the most important part :P " i will soon be adding milestone rewards for you! :D meaning: you will get a milestone reward when you've reached a certain amount of "total lifetime support" :D the milestones will (probably) be $15, $40, and $100! they are not restricted to per month pledges! and the rewards will be postcards, posters and stuff like that( currently planning!) (shipping address needed!) example: if you pledge $5, you will reach the first milestone reward of $15 in 3 months, if you pledge $2 you will reach that same milestone in 8 months! (and so on) and when you do i will send you the reward by mail :D i'm starting with the $15 reward this month(it will probably be shipped next month tho!) and i will add more in time! (cos i need money to make them :P )"