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hello again! :D

i have made some important october news! :D

first: i've decided to move sketch previews to $5 instead of $1! (i know you said you didn't need them but i wanna upload them anyway, it just feels better that way for me :P ) BUT this means that there is NO reward for $1! and i plan on deleting $1 by the END OF THIS MONTH! so please people of the $1 tear move to another one ;a; im sorry bout the trouble ^^; 

second:  i will soon be adding milestone rewards for you! :D meaning:

 you will get a milestone reward when you've reached a certain amount of "total lifetime support" :D  the milestones will (probably) be  $15,  $40, and  $100! they are not restricted to per month pledges! and the rewards will be postcards, posters and stuff like that( currently planning!) (shipping address needed!)
example: if you pledge $5, you will reach the first milestone reward of $15 in 3 months, if you pledge  $2 you will reach that same milestone in 8 months! (and so on) and when you do i will send you the reward by mail :D 

i'm starting with the $15 reward this month(it will probably be shipped next month tho!) and i will add more in time! (cos i need money to make them :P )

i think the first one($15)will be a set of 3 postcards! im gonna draw some new cute pics for that too!(maybe use one old)

how does that sound!? :D

and lastly:  i will also switch to "pre-paid"! this will NOT affect current patrons! but new pledgers will be charged for the first month when they first make the pledge!  (instead of on the 1st of the next month like it is now) it doesn't really make a big difference for you :) but remember to have your money ready if you're gonna change to a higher pledge :P

i think that's all! :D

any questions?