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ahh im allllmost done with the next 4 pages also but im feeling a little sick today and i really wanna post something so you get these first haha ^^; lets hope its just pollen and i will feel better tomorrow so i can finish the rest!  my plan is to sketch 15 pages before the month is over :3 

feedback is welcome :) hope you like this hehe <3




Lol Makoto is caught! But Seki don't care ❤️ btw u have a typo, last page last speech bubble, it says "doses" but should be "does"

rukan kawayama

Oh no 🙈 Seki got so upset he turned into Gollum 🤣 that was a fun spelling mistake 😅😅😅 thank you for pointing it out


Now he has three guys to like? I do like Yuusuki though.