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only one page today ^^; i had to really cram to get this done... hehe aaand sorry i didn't answer any comments on the last page (and sketch)  

ive had alot of chaotic home-decorating energy this week and decided on a whim to re-arrange my entire apartment :P im very happy with how it turned out but i have a lot of heavy furniture so im a little dead now :3

i hope all of you are doing good <3 and if i have any followers from Ukraine; i have no words to express how upset, sad and angry i am for what Russia is doing, i hope you are as safe as you can be right now, you are in my thoughts <3




No one wants to be stuck when last train is leaving….that is something I would never understand why we have this notion of having last train if we have trains there. Why not every hour or two hours during late hours in the night? 🤔 I guess trainmen need their sleep, too! 😁 My maternal great grandfather and my father worked for a railway. It would be awesome if Seki could get help from his new pal in looking for a new lover! Alas, the last train put stop to that….maybe next time??? Please do not pressure yourself if you couldn’t finish your comic page on time. I am sure all of us, your patrons, will understand! Good luck with your new arrangements in your humble adobe! Have a great weekend! Stay well and be safe, please!

rukan kawayama

yeah haha in Stockholm where i grew up at least there are night busses that operate the hours the trains stand still.. in tokyo you are stuck till morning if you miss the last train..unless you wanna take a taxi.. they do maintenance to the train system every night to make sure the trains run perfectly all the time, so its not all bad.. thank you! you too!


Same in Dublin! Night buses! Thanks for that memory! What fun I had on them! You are right that they use nighttime to do maintenance. Never thought about that! Will talk with my Dad today about his work. He did not talk much about his job when I was growing up. I know some Japanese would take taxi if they miss a last train IF they can afford fare which is quite expensive. You are welcome!! 💚🙏💚🙏