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hello people :D i hope you are doing good

as you might have noticed im having a bit of a hard time keeping up with my update schedule ^^; hehe

ive been thinking how to fix that and i might have come up with a good solution 

how bout' i take the first week of every month to just sketch?

 i wont be posting any new pages, but as many sketched pages as i can..

then the remaining 3 weeks of every month i will post one page on Tuesday and 2 on Friday, and one or two redrawn chapter 2 pages on Thursday,


week one of every month: as many sketch pages as i can.
week 2-4 of every month: 3 new pages and 1-2 Redrawn chapter 2 pages

how does that sound? it feels like a good compromise to me, you will get about 9 new pages, and i will have time to sketch properly :P 

any objections? :)

ah and btw i WILL post a page today cos i sprung this on you kinda out of nowhere ^^; 



You do what you need to in order to keep your schedule. I am here to be along for the ride LOL. I also follow several people here on different schedules, as long as someone communicates a change, a posting change has yet to make me unfollow someone TBH. I would rather you as a creator keep a schedule that keeps this doable and meaningful for you and not cause burnout.

rukan kawayama

Haha ah thank you 😄 💖 I see! That’s great to hear 😀 it seems everyone here is fine with it too, such a relief haha


Whatever works for you is fine with me! Yes, we are paying you, but this is NOT your fulltime job, so just do what you can, and take a break when you need to!

rukan kawayama

Haha but it is my full time job 😅😅 not all my income comes from patreon but still a good chunk, so I need to make it work for everyone 🙈