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almost busted D:

i could only finish one page today too D: ugh i am trying my best to catch up D: i blame all the hanging pants i had to draw for this page and the one before :P there were no good 3d model for hanging pants so i had to draw the all by hand >w<;; i should be fine now tho




As much as Iiked the panels of Seiki sneeking into Yukis room - what caught me on the spot in your last post were those hangers and I thought, wow, what an effort, really impressing. That‘s one thing I love about your work :D

rukan kawayama

haha thank you so much *v* that makes me happy to hear *v* i didn't draw the hangers tho :P only the pants >w<;;


Yukis horny spider senses are tingling. 🍿