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way to gay-keep, Seki :P no but remember Makoto talks about girls alot!

btw yuusuke is Seki's first openly queer friend ever :D this is big :D




Also wondering is this the first time Makoto is realizing Seki is gay too?? I was wondering when he would find out


I can empathize with Seki; straight guys who are maybe gay/BI gets exhausting. I didn't make my first legitimate friend who was LGBTQ until I was in my late 20s. Having someone in your life who understands you, but isn't trying to jump your bones, makes a huge difference. This is a good milestone for Seki. 💜

rukan kawayama

yeah i can imagine how it must be.. D: im glad both you and seki found a open LGBTQ friend haha <3