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and probably no bonus comic tomorrow cos im not done sketching that ^^; ack

lol so im super behind on everything but catching up was going pretty well... this weekend i spent doing all the panels, text and backgrounds for the rest of this chapter...my plan was to finish the sketches for the next 3 pages yesterday, i worked all day and in the evening i was on my sofa sketching on my laptop, when the first page was like 90% done and the other 2 like 30%.. my laptop decided to crash and didn't wanna work for a while..(luckily i had just saved so i dint lose anything but i didn't wanna risk it on the other pages)  i was to tired to go back to my desktop for too long so i just finished the first page.. and was gonna finish the other 2 today but then i decided to ad a transition page with intricate background lol so that what ive been doing today :P lol sorry for the delay, look at this sick page while you wait :P

btw i didnt draw that its a 3d model but still it takes so long to finish D: