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ack it feels so wired to draw slutty seki, one day and this pure baby seki the next >w<;;;;;



patricia allen

Your doing fine but I understand how that is. And I am sure if you need a break from having so much it would be understood by all :)... your story is impotent. Telling them your way is the most important ;)

rukan kawayama

Haha ah it’s fine 💖 the thing is that I’m actually super lazy and tend to procrastinate a lot unless I’m under constant pressure lol so having 3 deadlines in a week is actually good for me 😆


Awwww!!! Poor them being deprived of their ability to show each other’s love! 😭😭😭😭 BUT all of us have experienced this with our parents?? Right?! Sometimes parents forget that they were teens once…..🤔😁 Keep up doing the great work and storytelling, please!!! I think you made a right call to redraw early chapters! Yours were my first gay comic I read on Tapas. 😳😳😳 Anyway, please try not to overdo it or overwork yourself even if you are lazy and a procrastinator ….your health comes first, okay? 🙏💚💚💚💚