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damn it >w<;;; i don't think i will be able to finish the pages for today.. i really tried, but i have a bit of a migraine so work is slow... 

and actually im so behind on sketching for both chapter 11 and the bonus comic.. would it be okay if i took the week off to just finish sketching?  i only have 9 more pages of chapter 11 and only 6 for the bonus... i should be able to finish that pretty quickly.. at least one of them

if i can just finish sketching there won't be any more delays(most likely)  the pages will look much much better, and i can continue this crazy updating schedule i have going :P 

its feels really bad to miss these many updates again.. im so sorry...

you can be mad at this little makoto while you wait :3 no don't be mad at makoto he did nothing wrong :P <3


Briana Reid

I get migraines weekly so I know your pain. Nothing matters if you don’t take care of yourself! 💕


No issues here, just take your time! Stay well and be safe!