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yass 2 pages :D i made it! now i just gotta sketch more pages for next week :P

btw  i just wanna take the time to say how much i appreciate you all, my lovely patrons! the climate here is so nice , i love reading your comments and even if i dont always reply i read all of them! i don't think you know how much it fuels my inspiration when i read your observations or speculations, i love it so so much when people engage and i just wanna make more pages fast haha!  its so gratifying when people take the time to think about what's happening in the story and not just about who to ship :P lol thats fun too tho :P

ahh you are all so great and i love you <3




Seki why you like this???


Based on sekis reaction and facial expression, it is clear to me that he's unhappy with this turn of events and I wish takeru took those ques and stopped himself.