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HI! how are you all doing?

i just wanted to drop by and say that i'm taking a little summer vacation, i need a break to focus my thoughts and all that.. 

BUT i am working on some stuff! 

first i have started working on the redawn chapter one again ^^; hehe i have been putting that off for too long ^^; there's only 20 pages left and i should be able to finish that pretty quickly, but right now i just wanna get the rough sketches done of all the pages, then i might be able to post one page a week here along with chapter 9..

then im also working on cleaning up chapter 8 so i can upload it in full, but it's taking a while..

then also im working on putting together a NSFW "artbook" of some of the NSFW illustrations i have drawn in the past :3 and i will upload it as a reward here, but i wanna clean up and redraw some of the drawing so its also taking a while

also working on the script for chapter 9 and a few illustrations and such

oh and im also planning on adding some new rewards here, but i need to thinking about it carefully so i only add things i can actually follow through on, if you have any requests for rewards now's the time to tell me :3

that's all! take care of yourself! where a mask, and stay safe!

love you <3

xoxo Rukan



Sounds like a lot on your plate. Make sure you take some time for yourself also. We will all be waiting for all the exciting stuff you plan to give us. 🙌


Do have a grand time on your holiday! Enjoy your time down!