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edit/ i completely redrew the last to panels :P were were just so bad ack lol/

Seki: im not gonna sleep with you

also Seki: immediately gets on bed



drawing someone jump down on a bed is really difficult lol i might have to redraw that panel :P

btw i finished FF7R Tuesday but boy oh boy that ending was a lot to process! lmao i loved every second of that game tho! literally cant wait for part 2! ahhh 




Just remember there will be more to FF7R. That is not it. My husband finished it also and now has to wait for the next part.


His ex boyfriend knows where he lives. He could of gone and seen him any time after Seki broke up with him. Having a baby doesnt keep you from going and talking to someone. So I also think he's not coming back but who knows. :)

rukan kawayama

yes, keisuke lives in Tokyo and Seki lives in Fukuoka, thats far away, and what would going and seeing Seki accomplish anyway? he's still gonna get married.. it would be pointless :P