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    i've been pretty sick.. but not really THAT sick, you know.. 

its something my nieces brought back from Malaysia anyway.. i've had a scratchy throat, slight dry cough, fever, body aches (i still have some), and a lite lite tightness in my chest.. but mostly i've been soo sooo tired, i've literally been on my couch for a week just watching youtube, i've been too tired to even play video games D: ack.. and the worst thing about this "cold" is that it seems to come and go, or like come in waves, yesterday morning i was feeling pretty much normal, then in the afternoon i was completely drained again.. today im still very low on energy but i can sit by my computer :P  

and its been up and down like that since it started.. i started feeling better then *bam* i was worse again.. horrible

im ofcores staying inside and don't interact with other people except my mom who have the same thing..she is also recovering

im in no way completely recovered yet but i hope i will be soon!

btw good update on my sick cat :D we switched his food to a hypoallergenic cat food and he's like a completely new cat!! he's so happy and annoying and cuddly just like he should be :D its wonderful <3 i still worry he's gonna get worse  again but i hope he can stay like this now <3 we have suspected allergies for a long time but out vet didn't think so.. bla 

take care everyone! be safe! 


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