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sorry :( 

 again im missing an update, i could probably finish it by today but i hate rushing pages, they always end up looking crappy and i dont like that :( its no fun drawing if everything looks like crap..

i will post the sketches for the next few pages soon

having a sick cat is really stressful :( i can't really sleep well and i don't have much of an appetite, so im not in great condition myself..but i think cat is getting better.. at least he's not getting worse... he had stomach problems on and off all of january, i think he became allergic to his normal food, so now we are only feeding him tuna(for cats) and all the allergy symptoms have gone away, but i think he got the cat flu from the stress of the allergy, now most of those symptoms have also gone away, but he's so tired and weak :(  at least he's eating pretty well


Jonaire Tate

I hope your cat makes a full recovery soon! It can be hard seeing our furry friends sick :(