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yay page :D haha

sorry for missing 3 updates this month, there has been alot and i can't help if i get sick ;A; im not a robot.. but my cat that was missing is home now and he's so happy and cuddly and he's in good health, i had to stand an hour is freezing rain to get him to go in the trap, it was not good for my cold lol

my other cat who has been sick, is also doing better, BUT that little turd ate a piece of tape!! so i have to monitor him so he doesn't get sick from that D: ack there's always something lol

i hope you all a doing well and i really really appreciate your support <3<3<3<3<33<3333




Glad to hear you're feeling better and your cats are doing ok, despite the one cats weird eating habits!

rukan kawayama

Thank you 😊 Yeah he has the worst eating habits 😩 plus he is allergic to something so he really shouldn’t be eating weird stuff at all :p