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ah finally done.. im gonna try to get both of these pages inked and ready by tomorrow.. i don't know if i'll be able to but at least i will upload both before october ends, because im gonna have to spend november mostly writing and preparing chapter 8, you know the drill

are you disappointed with how this chapter went? :P




Im sadened by the events. I'm rooting for seki to find happiness.


I want Kei to see Seki happy with some one and wishing it was him. Seems even Kei's brother liked Seki better then this girl who destroyed their relationship. yes Kei slept with her but she must have known he was in love with Seki.

rukan kawayama

she didn't know keisuke was in love with seki because she and keisuke were togetter during the 2 years keisuke was away..and they live on opposite sides of the country