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hello everyone! i just finished chapter 7! yay :D (all pages are up for $2+ patrons, and i will soon ad it to the downloadable folder with all the rest of the finished chapters! :) )

but finishing a chapter means i have to wright the next :P and that takes some time..so there will be no new SE;ki pages posted in August! BUt i am planning on doing a mini chapter with keisuke's POV (hehe) and i will also try to work some on the redawn chapter one and also maybe do a NSFW full color illustration cos its been a while..ack..and hopefully by the end of august i will have a few pages sketched for you! so i wont leave you without anything!

im giving you this heads up now so you can pause your pledge or unpledge if you want before they start to charge you for next month. just please don't give the reason " The creator wasn't engaging like I expected" it is super rude, i am engaging plenty *^* $2+ patrons are currently 14 pages ahead of free updates and i will be posting other stuff to keep you entertained. i will not be taking a break, i will in fact work my butt off...

making a comic is not just pooping out pages..first you gotta wright it, then you gotta do the storyboards and then sketch, so you can ink it and all that...not to mention i build all my backgrounds from scratch in Sketchup and it takes many many hours to do each... 

it is time consuming work...and a very tiring process... thank you for understanding. i greatly appreciate if you wanna stick around, but if you wanna unpledge or pause your pledge that's fine to, i completely understand, you are here for pages..just don't say im not engaging enough okay :P

i love you thanks for reading

xoxo Rukan


Rose Marie

I look forward to seeing Kei’s POV... depending on how depressed he is and how much he’s suffering I may or may not dislike him more or less. 🤣 I look forward to September.


I just finished chapter 7 and I LOVE IT!!! I think Seki is making the right choice for now and I’m happy he’s not trying to be a mistress. Thank you so much for your hard work!!