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those texts from keisuke are old btw




Just leave Kei with that whore. You could do better. Once again he breaks your heart. How would you ever trust him again. He dumped you for that girl even though he loves you? Excuses. He could father that child without going into a loveless marriage. That type of marriage is miserable and the only one that will suffer will be the kid knowing daddy didn't love mommy. Sometimes you think doing the right thing is good but most of the time it is bad and unhealthy.

Rose Marie

My thoughts exactly! Then what is Kei comes back? Will Seki just take him back? I don’t think Kei has done enough suffering and I want to see him see Seki with another man! I want to see Kei BEG! Like snot nose broken down BEG for Seki back because he will never suffer enough for hurting the person he supposed to love.


Auuuugh! Nooooo! Never unblock the ex when you still have pain! SATO PROTECC HIM FROM HIMSELF!