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hey guys, i'm all better now, but my/my moms cat Casper is still sick :(  

he was on penicillin for 7 days, but the day after the penicillin ended he got slowly worse, so the days after that we went to the vet again and he got another type of antibiotics that he is supposed to take for 10 days, today is day 5.. he's been doing pretty well but today he seems a little "off" again.. and the vet is closed so i can't call them or go in with him... i guess i just have to wait and see..but i'm so stressed out i can hardly eat.. and on top of that my other cat, Claudia has lost 2 teeth this last month... she's almost 20 years old so i guess it can happen but its got me worried too ack..

if everything goes well i plan on updating SE;ki next friday, i have managed to sketch a few pages.. i hope you understand and im super grateful for your support♥ and remember you guys are still like 8 page ahead of the free updates :P so at least that's that 




Our pets are like our children. I understand. I have three tea cup Pomeranian's. They are so important to me.

Audrey Derleth

So sad about Casper! Hope everyone gets better!