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hehe...seki what are you doing? 

that's Sato btw :P

please like comment and share :) it really helps me to be motivated 


now i think im gonna go finish ff15 so i can get over it :P ..im way too obsessed..i need to focus on my own boys 



Troy G

Lol...its okay...i dont think its possible to focus on too many guys...the more the merrier lol...i'll have FFXV and Camp Buddy on the go at once...hottie overload lol

rukan kawayama

haha true true :P i actually finished the game today ;A; i ugly cried 4 times atlest D: such a gooood game, now i wanna draw a bittersweet story like that :P good for you guys that im already done with the script for chapter 7 or else it might have gone down a darker road haha


Well i know where this is going. Thanks for being convenient Sato-kun!