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helly my dudes :D

i just wanted to drop by and tell you how things are going

i'm basically done with the script for chapter 7 :D yay i only have one more scene to wright and then i will start with the storyboard :D

i wrote most of it in 2 days which is kinda amazing cos it normally takes me like a year lmao

im gonna try to do all the storyboard and the sketch all the pages in one go  (」゜ロ゜)」  that way i can focus on inking when it come to that and inking multiple pages at once is for some reason so sooo much faster then doing them one by one..

so wish me luck and hopefully i'll have a few sketches up soon!

in other news don't miss that i have made a SE;ki chapter master post 

where you can download (or read online) all finished SE,ki chapters! :D (chap 1 and 2 will be added soon) 

its currently available for $2+ patrons but im gonna have to change it to $5+ because i already notis people abusing it.. hummm but i'll give you till sunday before i change it so all my current patrons can download what they want :)

and lastly, SE;ki has been demonetized on webtoons and i don't make any money from there anymore so its highly likely that SE;ki will be patreon only for a while, starting with chapter 7, i will probably have a weekly schedule here to but i'll try to do like 3-4 pages weekley :) how does that sound?  

thank you for reading love you 

xoxo Rukan


Meghan Mobley

I believe in a $5 patron, so when you change it on Sunday, I will still be able to access the master post, correct? And that schedule doesn't sound bad to me! Just don't stress yourself out if it's too much. We're not editors or publishers lol take your time. ;)

rukan kawayama

yes you will still be able to access it :) glad you think so :D and don't worry its not too stressful! <3