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omg you guys im so sorry i haven't posted anything in awhile ;A;  forgive me ;A;  i didn't have time to finish the christmas pic ;A; muuuuuuu but i hope you like this *v* 

aaannnd HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D :D gosh i wanna thank you guys so frikkking much for your support this past year ;A;  i literally couldn't do this without you ;A; i dont even have words to thank you enough ;A;;;;A;A;;;; ahhhh i hope you will stick with me this year too   i hope i can post many great things for you...real soon i have some more sketch page for you my plan for january is to get at least 10 page ahead of schedule :3 so look forward to that :D

 and oh i actually bought a new printer :D i found a used one for a real good price but its almost out of ink so i gotta fix that before i can start the postcard-milestone-reward..ive been soooo close to that damned milestone for like the past 5 months lol..but im starting preparations :3

and also im gonna re-wright my page here alittle but i won't change any rewards just the wording so its nothing to worry about :3

but anyway! HAPPY YEAR OF THE DOG!! :D wooohoo

oh and i attached a jpg with this-lineart, version without the text, and version that is not slanted :3 hope you like it :D

thank you guys soo soo much see you soon love you so much <33




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