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Seki might have some internalized toxic masculinity... 🙃

btw i think i said in the past that Makoto was 17 years old, but im just gonna officially make him 18 now lol i feel like he cant be more than 2 years younger than Seki for their dynamic to work 🙃🙃💦

ahh and sorry there only one page again 😭😭 this week was pms week and i planned poorly.. ive been so tired and ive had migraines

 ive also been trying to finish the next bonus comic page, and its all be alot haha but good news is that now at least have 3 almost done pages, so next week should be better!

but anyway! Happy Weekend everybody! 💃🍾



rukan kawayama

btw Makoto is not lying, Seki went to Makoto after Yuki dumped him, and he has been taking care of seki :3


Oh, there was a time slip ⏳👍. I mean it's obvious now I think about it because there was an apartment to be found, I must have assumed that was magicked up on the same day he broke up with Yuki, how dumb of me. Makoto is actually best boy 🫶. Cutie patootie is hilarious trying his twinkiest wiles on exhausted Seki thinking they'll work... never stop trying, idiot, I love you 😆

Katy Olly

I love Makoto he’s too adorable! Trying so hard, but probably never making it out of the friend zone lol. Seki needs supportive friends though, so shine on beautiful, obnoxious little prince!