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The Type Specialist will be ending soon.

Kind of.


This fiction was always intended to have four full regions: Hoenn, Sinnoh, Alola, and one other. With the story having reached over 190 chapters with not even half of Alola finished, I’ve decided to have the main story conclude when Alola concludes, still a decent number of chapters down the line.

Now, while The Type Specialist will soon come to a close, I won’t be done writing Pokémon. I have too many ideas of stories I want to write bouncing around in my head to settle on one, so I’d like to ask you all for help!

When the battle against Cynthia finishes being released on Royal Road, I plan to include an announcement post with a poll alongside it. In it, you will be able to vote on what Pokémon Type you want to see a specialist story of next. From Water to Grass to Normal to Ghost, any possibility is open, even the option of having the story involving the dreaded generalist. I hope to have the next setting be a mix of Kanto and Johto, and I plan on it having a more competitive lean. Keep that in mind when considering what species would show up as you decide your vote, because some Types are more interesting than others when given a limited selection.

I’ve enjoyed writing The Type Specialist, and I still have trouble believing just how many people have joined Alex on this expansive journey. I want to thank you all for your continued support, and I have to say, I’m really looking forward to starting a new fiction with you all!

Signing out,

Incarnated Whisp.

P.S. To reiterate, Alola isn’t even half over. There are still a lot of chapters to go until the end.

P.P.S. I’m making this announcement now, rather than later, to give me time to build up a backlog. I want to be able to have a chapter dump at the start of the next story, and I’ll be able to have daily uploads after that. It’ll be more interesting to read a lot at the start rather than slow uploads like I’m down right now.

Today's Chapter Here 


Daniel Drake

hmm, water type would probably be mine. my favorite pokemon are blastoise and gyarados. I remember playing pokemon blue 20 something years ago and having to train a magikarp up to gyarados(took forever!). Fearow, sandslash, electrode and moltres were the rest of my team.


so I know this is kinda cheesy but it’s one of my favorite quotes that I think fits this well. “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened” -Dr Seuss; I’ve enjoyed getting to read your story and genuinely happy to see how far you’ve come with it!

David Lawson

An MMA fighter turned fighting type specialist. Teaching modern fighting techniques to fighting type pokemon.