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I want to say just how much I appreciate all the supportive comments that were left after the last chapter. Thank you.

When it comes to whether the Type Specialist will continue as a thrice-weekly or bi-weekly fiction, the comments were overwhelmingly in support of chapters with a twice a week schedule with slightly longer chapters. As a result, The Type Specialist will now be posted on Monday and Thursday to support this.

As for what’s happening this week, on Patreon, there won’t be a chapter Wednesday, but, instead, the chapter will be pushed to Thursday the 13th to give me a bit extra time to write it. Royal Road won’t experience the same delay, receiving the normally scheduled chapter on Wednesday before taking Friday off before the new schedule is put in place next week.

In summary, The Type Specialist is moving to a Monday/Thursday schedule.

Next Patreon chapter this Thursday.

Next Royal Road chapter this Wednesday, no chapter on Friday.

Again, thank you for the continued support, and I hope you all enjoy the last few chapters of Sinnoh as we move into the next region.



Hey man your health comes first always. You’re making a truly amazing story here and it’s something I’m sure we all truly appreciate and respect. Looking forward to more continued quality content! You’ll always have my monthly sub homie đŸ€™đŸœ