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I wrote Chapter 73, went through and edited it, then sat back and realized I hated everything about it. This is a last minute schedule change that I'm deeply sorry for, but it's for the best that I scrap the chapter. I definitely think burnout has been affecting the quality of my writing.

I'm hoping that taking a break over the weekend will help. This upcoming chapter is important for obvious reasons. Thankfully, while the sudden delay is painful, it does mean you'll be avoiding a cliffhanger. Chapters 73 and 74 will flow into one another for a complete battle.

In other news, both Chapter 66 and 67 have been released to Royal Road, meaning the first fight against Petrel is out in its full. Sam and Redi’s reactions have been appropriately modified, alongside a few other edits to increase the quality of the story. The major changes consist of making Sam less suspicious and having Redi not immediately try to jump into the fight. There have been no changes to the plot—the only changes have been descriptive—so there’s no need to reread either chapter unless you really want to.

Similarly, the previous chapter, 72, has been updated as well. It’s gone through a few minor tweaks that add a context to Sam’s strategy while also cleaning up the description of Pidgeotto’s reappearance. It’s almost exactly the same otherwise, so there’s no need to reread it.

Again, I'm sorry for the late delay, but it should be worth it. The next two chapters will be out on Monday. Thank you for following the story so far!


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