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But only by a few hours.

It needs to go through a few rewrites since the previous version was unrealistic and almost action movie-like. If you can't tell, there'll be a bit of a shift in the next update, but I don't want to completely turn the story on its head. It's going through extra rounds of editing to make sure it remains in-line with the rest of the story so far.

This post is mostly a courtesy to anyone in a different time zone. If it's late and you're waiting for the new chapter, sleep! You'll be able to read it in the morning!

(For everyone else, the update will still come out later today. It's just that it'll come out late enough past the usual target time that I felt the need to make this announcement post.)



I’m hoping to see some of the canonical characters soon. Lance and Agatha are obviously going to show up eventually but I wonder if we’ll see Red/Gold, Elm, or Lyra/Kris. I have enjoyed some of the characters but we haven’t seen any of the originals except for Mr. Pokemon

Incarnated Whisp

Chapter should be out within one more hour! I'm almost done, thank you for being patient!