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Today's update will be a bit different. Due to certain recent events, I’m not satisfied with the quality of some of the latest chapters. I’m in the process of going back and rewriting large sections, splitting a handful of chapters, and completely overhauling others. Every change should be out by the end of today. I don’t plan on spending more time than necessary for this process, but these changes are needed.

Expect a new chapter as normal on Friday. Today will be the only day affected.

All of the changes take place after Sam and Redi leave Goldenrod. The major plot points have been preserved, but the emotional beats and pacing have been adjusted. An overview of the changes are as follows (contains spoilers for those not caught up):

  • The old Chapter 37 has been split into two chapters, detailing the events of Route 34 and Ilex Forest separately. This is where the most new content is focused, with Chapter 37 being entirely new with a greater focus on Cyndaquil’s status, and Chapter 38 has a better first half before the Misdreavus fight.

  • The old Chapter 38, the chapter where Sam approached Xavier, is now Chapter 39 and has a modified first interaction. Rather than Sam approaching him, Sam instead only calls him out after Xavier sits down and doesn’t recognize him. Redi is now present in the Pokémon Center, but she steps away and doesn’t become involved until the very end.

  • The old Chapter 39 has been split into two chapters as well. It is now the new Chapter 40 and 41. Chapter 40 has taken the conversation on evolution and expanded it out, and Sam’s heart-to-heart with Cyndaquil has been moved up to here and is now longer and more meaningful. The new Chapter 41 deals with talking to Xavier and entering Slowpoke Wall, all of which is mostly the same.

  • The old Chapter 40 is now Chapter 42. There have only been slight tweaks to correct references to previous chapters.

  • The old Chapter 41 is now Chapter 43. There have only been slight tweaks to correct references to previous chapters.

  • The old Chapter 42 is now Chapter 44. There have only been slight tweaks to correct references to previous chapters.

...I feel like I just wrote a set of patch notes. I feel weird about doing this, but this rewrite is necessary to make sure the Ghost Specialist has the quality I desire. The edits are still a work in progress, so expect them to slowly come in over the course of the rest of the day.

Thank you all for your support and understanding! I’ll be including links to the changed chapters below, edited when the rewritten chapters are released and when old chapters are modified.

I don’t plan on doing something like this again in the future. It’s a one-time thing to fix the concerns I had about my own writing.

Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43



But what will you call the ghost chapters that were killed? ghosts^2?


Woo! Patch notes!