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The next week passed by swiftly. I spent my days either cultivating or training. The snake twins were of great help, since they traded pointers with me. They were both older and more experienced than me, so I learned a lot from them. Thanks to them, my proficiency in the various martial arts I practiced rose at a rapid rate.

My cultivation also rose at an acceptable rate and I soon reached a bottleneck thanks to the Starsoul Tea I received from Hall Master Jericho and the abundant qi in the area. It was just a matter of time before I reached the fourth small realm of the Qi Condensation realm. If I had still been at Astra’s immortal cave, with the Divine Fire Qi, I would have tried to force the breakthrough. Instead, I decided to take my time with it.

Speaking of Astra, she arrived on the first day to check in on me. Maybe it was because she visited her future in-laws, but she had been in a buoyant mood. After making sure I settled in just fine, she left, though not before dropping off a special package.

After the entrance exam, but right before I went through the Crucible of Flames, Astra promised me that she would have Cultivator Raphael’s cousin prepare a special meal for me if I made it halfway up Flame Fiend Peak. She made good on that promise by delivering a dish made from a Star Flame Fruit.

It was a natural treasure rich in star qi, making it a key ingredient in various elixirs used by Celestial Warrior Hall. Even just eating it raw could advance a qi refiner’s cultivation by leaps in bounds. When it was prepared by a skilled spirit chef, the effects were even more drastic.

“Save this until you break through to the Foundation Establishment realm,” Astra warned. “This will help you form a stronger foundation.”

I nodded in understanding, before hugging Astra in thanks. She returned my embrace, before heading off. After Sidra punished her by taking away all of her contribution, Astra needed to work hard in order to earn enough to become an elder of the Dawn and Dusk Sect.

In addition to cultivation and training, I also studied the items I received from Second Master. The jade bottle contained Qi Condensation Pills, which would help me reach the fourth small realm of the Qi Condensation realm. However, it was the manual he gave me that piqued my interest. It was for a movement technique called Wind Dash. As the name suggested, when using this technique, one dashed forward in a sudden burst of speed. It was similar to Lighter Than Air in many ways. However, there were a few key differences.

Lighter Than Air increased one’s speed by a lesser amount, but allowed for a greater degree of agility. Meanwhile, Wind Dash boosted one’s speed by a lot, but only in one direction. It was also more difficult to control and put more of a strain on one’s body than the former. This was why only those at late Qi Condensation or above should use it. Thankfully, that wasn’t a problem for me thanks to my physical refinement.

Learning the Wind Dash movement technique was…painful. I understood the basics within a day, but mastering the technique proved difficult. I kept dashing forward, unable to control my movements, and ended up crashing into things. Trees, walls, the snake twins. I was as much of a hazard to my environment as I was to myself. By the end of the second day, my entire body felt battered and bruised.

Ellen offered to massage my body at the end of each day, to help relieve my pain. At first I was wary of her intentions, but I accepted in the end. To my surprise, Ellen never tried anything untoward. She just gave massages. She was quite skilled with her hands too. By the end of each massage, my entire body felt like it had melted.

I tried to take this opportunity to finish our conversation from earlier, when she mentioned that we had met when I was child, but Ellen evaded my attempts. Rather than push the issue, I decided to hold off on it for now. She would tell me in her own time.

I also took some time to study the copper ring I bought from Fenton, back at Flame Fiend Peak. My intuition told me that there was something special about the ring, but none of my tests revealed any results. Studying it with my spirit sense didn’t work, neither did inserting my qi into the ring. I put it on my finger, but nothing happened.

A part of me wanted to test various alchemical reagents on it, to see how they would react, but I didn’t want to risk destroying the ring. Besides, I didn’t have any alchemical reagents on me, so the point was moot. I asked the snake twins to take a look themselves, but they found nothing either. The ring’s mysteries would have to remain unsolved for now.

My neighbors also focused on their own cultivation and training. Minions One and Two wanted to become Foundation Establishment cultivators so they could become proper inner disciples. They also wanted a greater degree of freedom, so they could see their young mistress. To that end, I traded pointers with them from time to time.

While they were shameless and simple minded, Minions One and Two were skilled martial artists; fitting for bodyguards of a young mistress from a prestigious clan. While they were weaker than me, since I was a dual cultivator, that in no way made them easy opponents to face. They had trained in martial arts since childhood, while I had started learning last year. Even if I counted the years I spent practicing the Dancing Wind Blade fighting style, I was a rank novice compared to them.

The two of them were even more effective when they fought together. The two always moved in sync with one another, as if they were one being with two bodies instead of two separate entities. When I faced them both at the same time, it was all I could do to hold my own, let alone win. Despite this, I found myself having a lot of fun. I learned a lot while trading pointers with them.

Cultivator Aneira remained shut inside her living space the entire time. Not once did she show her face. I felt concern for her, since she was still a Qi Condensation cultivator and therefore had the same physical needs as a mortal. More than once, I considered checking in on her. However, the minions and the snake twins advised me against it. I listened to them, though that didn’t stop me from worrying.


At the end of the week, Second Master arrived. It was early morning as I practiced the Wind Dash technique at the time. The snake twins wanted to catch me and cushion the impact whenever I used the technique, so I didn’t hurt myself, but I asked them to hold off. Pain was part of the learning process, and it would incentivize me to master the technique faster.

We were outside the walls of the courtyard, to give me less things to crash into. I focused, drawing upon the principles mentioned in the manual, before dashing forward. It felt like the wind carried me as I ran forward, and I felt freer than I ever had before. However, when I tried to stop, the wind kept pushing me forward despite my best efforts.

In fact, in my attempts to stop moving, I tripped over my own feet and tumbled to the ground. I rolled forward a few times, before stopping and ending up on my back. Despite my failure, this was still better than crashing into a wall or a tree, so I considered this progress.

“I see that you’re diligent in your training, Darian.” A voice called out.

I looked towards the source of the voice and found Second Master swooping in from above on a flying sword. He wore an amused smile on his face. I grimaced. Over the past week, I had forgotten my dislike of him. Unlike Clan Wind Dance, Second Master had treated me well, so it hadn't been difficult. However, seeing him again caused my dislike to return in force. He reminded me too much of my kin, and it was difficult to let go of my hatred and resentment.

A frown replaced Second Master’s smile as I pushed myself to my feet and bowed.

“Greetings, Second Master.” I said.

“Greetings, Darian,” he said, “How have you been? Well, I hope.”

“Yes, Second Master. Thank you for asking.”

We stared at each other in silence, the mood turning awkward. However, before it grew too bad, Second Master broke the silence.

“I looked into the matter you asked me about, Darian.” He said. “Given the distance and the dangers involved, it will cost you about two hundred spirit stones and twice that in contribution points.”

What was he talking about? Oh! Right. I asked him about sending a message to Lucius. I had almost forgotten about that.

“Two hundred?” I asked. “Isn’t that too high a price for sending a simple message?”

“Most of that is to cover the costs of using the teleportation array network.” Second Master explained. “If you don’t want the messenger to use the network, the cost will be cheaper, but it will take much longer for your message to reach the Myriad Rivers province.”

“I see.” I said, rubbing my forehead.

I couldn’t afford to spend two hundred spirit stones, or twice that in contribution points, to send a message. I didn’t even have a hundred spirit stones! That meant I would either have to wait until I could afford such an expense, or I would need to send one of the snake twins to deliver the message for me. Ugh, what a pain. I would think about it later.

“Thank you, Second Master,” I said, “I appreciate your help in this matter.”

Second Master gave me a brief smile.

“Think nothing of it, Darian.” He said. “It is a master’s duty to help out their disciple, especially for a minor matter such as this.” He gestured to the courtyard. “Now then, shall we go inside for your first lesson?”

I nodded and led Second Master towards my living space. The snake twins, who stood nearby in silence, fell in behind us.

“Please, wait out here.” Second Master said to them when we reached my living space. “I wish to teach Darian in private.”

The snake twins looked like they wanted to protest, but I silenced them with a shake of my head. They looked unhappy, but they complied. I brought Second Master inside and left him sitting by the table in my living room, while I headed into the kitchen to prepare a pot of spirit tea for us. After the tea was finished, I brought it out and served it.

“Delicious.” Second Master said after sipping his tea.

I nodded in thanks and sipped my own tea.

“Now then,” Second Master said. “You practice the Soul of Divine Fire technique, correct?

I nodded.

“Excellent, that will make things easier for me, since I do as well. However, before we begin, I want to test your knowledge of the Soul of Divine Fire technique and the principles behind it. That will help me determine where to go moving forward.”

With that, Second Master spent the next hour quizzing me. It was an exhausting ordeal. Second Master was a thorough and demanding teacher. Using his words alone, he managed to dissect and study my understanding of the Soul of Divine Fire technique. By the end, I felt like a washrag that had been squeezed until not a single drop of water remained.

“Hmm.” Second Master said. “You have a deeper understanding than I expected. Did someone else teach you, or is this from your own observations?”

“A bit of both.” I said. “Before I participated in the entrance exam, my future brother in law, Cultivator Raphael, taught me. However, I also spent several hours meditating on the subject on my own. I also practice the Song of Dawn and Dusk mental refinement technique, which helped deepen my understanding of the Soul of Divine Fire technique.”

Second Master nodded.

“I see,” he said, “That makes sense. The Song of Dawn and Dusk mental refinement technique was created to synergize well with our sect’s cultivation techniques. Not only that, but Clan White Wing is one of the clans that founded the Dawn and Dusk Sect. They have a deeper understanding of the Soul of Divine Fire technique than most.” His eyes gleamed with competitiveness. “However, I can’t fall behind Cultivator Raphael. After all,  you are my disciple, not his.”

A shiver of unease ran down my spine when I saw that gleam. To my surprise, and relief, Second Master didn’t launch into a lecture right away.

“Darian, do you know where Celestial Warrior Hall gets its name?” he asked instead.

I started to shake my head, before pausing.

“I suspect that it has something to do with the stars.” I said.

The Starsoul Tea that Hall Master Jericho gave me and the Star Flame Fruit that Astra gave me were the biggest clues in this regard.

“Yes, though that answer is incomplete.” Second Master said with a smile. “The cultivation techniques of Celestial Warrior Hall are inspired by all of the celestial bodies that rule the heavens above, not just the stars. This includes the sun and the moon.” He gestured to the ceiling of my living space, or rather, at the sky beyond the ceiling. “Many of Celestial Warrior Hall’s mystic arts and martial arts are inspired by celestial phenomena. As an honorary disciple, you won’t have too much access to them, but I can teach you a few when the time is right.”

“Thank you, Second Master.” I said, nodding.

“However, the reason why I bring it up is not to extol the virtues of Celestial Warrior Hall, but to help deepen your understanding of the Soul of Divine Fire technique.” Second Master paused as he took a sip of his tea. “It is said that before the creation of the universe, there was nothing but chaos; formless and endless chaos. Reality as we know began when light came into being, and darkness along with it.”

Second Master held out a hand, palm up, and summoned a golden flame.

“The celestial bodies that rule the heavens above came from that first light, at the beginning of the universe, and contain traces of its primordial power.” The golden flame went out and Second Master pointed a finger at me. “By taking in qi and refining it, we seek to transform our souls into those very same celestial bodies, bright and eternal.”

I listened to him with rapt attention, drinking in every word. What he said resonated with my soul, and I didn’t want to miss a thing.

“Which celestial body do you think inspired the Soul of Divine Fire technique?” Second Master asked.

I took a moment to think about it.

“The first answer that comes to mind is the sun,” I said, frowning. “However, that doesn’t seem right. The moon doesn’t feel right either. That only leaves the stars.”

Second Master nodded.

“Correct,” he said. “The sun is powerful and overbearing. When it crosses the sky, it drives away the darkness, as well as the light from other celestial bodies. The moon is colder and more subtle than the sun, and has little relation to fire. The stars exist in the darkness of the void, but are not consumed by it. In fact, they shine all the more brilliantly because of it. To put it simply, the darker the shadows, the brighter the light. The reverse is also true.” He gestured to me. “That is why the Soul of Divine Fire technique is suitable for divine demons. Take you, for example. You practice a divine qi refining and a demonic physical refining technique. Your soul is the star and your body is the void.”

His words gave me insights into the Soul of Divine Fire that I never considered before. I wanted to leave right away to meditate on those insights.

“Go.” He said. “I recognize that look on your face. It’s best to meditate on insights as soon as possible, to avoid losing them. I’ll be here waiting.”

With that, I ran off to my bedroom to meditate.


When I returned to the living room hours later, I was in a buoyant mood. Meditating on the insights I gained from talking with Second Master had allowed me to break through my bottleneck and reach the fourth small realm of the Qi Condensation realm.

“I see that congratulations are in order.” Second Master said with a smile on his face.

He sat in the exact same where I had left him. I looked out the window. Second Master arrived early in the morning, and now it was late afternoon. That meant he had waited the entire day while I meditated and made my breakthrough. Shame filled me.

“I apologize, Second Master.” I said, bowing. “I hadn’t realized how long it would take me to comprehend the insights.”

“There is no need to apologize.” Second Master said. “Something like this is normal, expected even, among cultivators. When cultivators meet to debate and exchange insights, it is common for one or more participants to rush off like you just did in order to comprehend those insights.”

“Oh.” I said, still feeling a bit embarrassed. “I see.”

I took my seat, sitting in the same place as earlier. My tea was now cold, but I drank it anyway. Hot or cold, spirit tea was still spirit tea and I wasn’t going to waste it.

“I’m surprised you stayed, given how much time has passed.” I said. “I thought you would have left by now.”

“Of course I stayed.” Second Master said. “It is a master’s duty to oversee their disciple’s progress and ensure that nothing goes wrong. You aren’t the first person to make a breakthrough after gaining an insight.” He pursed his lips in thought. “However, I also stayed behind for another reason. There is something I wished to discuss with you, Darian.”

From his tone, it sounded like something serious.

“What is it, Second Master?” I asked, wary.

He took a moment before responding.

“Have I done something to offend you, Darian?” he asked.

His question caught me off guard and I stared at him in surprise.

“What?” I blurted out.

“From the moment we met, I sensed your dislike of me, Darian.” Second Master said. “In fact, dislike is an understatement. Resentment is a better fit.” He gestured to me. “I thought it was best if we resolved this early on rather than let it fester. So, if I have offended you in any way, please let me know so that I might rectify it.” He frowned. “I was excited to have a disciple of my own, and I want us to have a good relationship going forward.”



Hopefully Darian tells him the truth. His Second master seems like a pretty good guy.


Of course the high level cultivator would know and have a better understanding of feelings and signs than others huh. I like Tobias, and like he said it's better to solve this type of situation at the start. No one wishes to see a disciple killing their master or vice-versa. I liked the little exposure of the philosophy of the Celestial Warrior Hall, it's very profound. Since the Soul of Divine Fire is related to stars that do not succumb to the darkness of the void it makes sense that its innate abilities are defensive in nature, to better protect their light from external forces.