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Hey everyone!

I know I've been a bit absent from here and haven't updated on the game for a while... but it's been a very busy start to the year.

Including a big focus on the game, so much so that one of the reasons for the delay is precisely because the next update is going to be a big one!

Just to give you an idea... 

Connor's story, until now the longest in the game, has 2100 images (scenes). Josh's story hit 3,250 images (scenes).

Yes... that's right, in the next update you'll have more than 3200 scenes to play with.

There are 10 new characters, 2 of them future targets (apart from Josh, of course) and another 4 of them will have important roles both now and in future releases.

In addition to the College scenario, a Fraternity House and a Painting Club will also be introduced.

All of these scenarios were made in anticipation of many characters and stories.

Also in this new release I'm experimenting a bit with animation... giving some scenes a bit of movement. It's still very basic, because I won't have time to focus too much on it just yet, but it will already give an upgrade to the game experience.

Because of this, of course... I ended up taking longer than expected to deliver this new update. But it will have been for a good reason. 

As you voted... better to take longer and deliver more content!

Also, out of respect for those who play and support the game... I'm going to start keeping you updated on the development of each release. With graphs detailing the stage the game is at, so that you can keep track of how long it's going to take to develop. Check the next post

Your patience will be rewarded


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