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Hello everyone

Stopping by to report on the game's progress.

I've finished creating all the images for Josh's story and I'm basically 40% done with the dialog and the programming.

This is a time-consuming stage because of course I need to keep the story coherent, write all the dialog and most importantly,  plan all the routes and possible choices, so that there are no holes in the script.

Once this stage is over, all that remains is for me to reposition all the dialogue bubbles so that they are in the most appropriate place and finally to edit all the images, adjusting the inherent imperfections that come with the game I use as a base and then apply the custom effects.

Also a time-consuming stage.

Josh's story is taking a little longer because I decided to make it complete! With all the scenes from the two paths (slave and relationship).

That's because this new destination, college, is going to be practically a whole new game within the game... new future characters will be introduced right away, who will of course become targets... as well as having activities exclusive to that destination. And all of this will already be presented in Josh's story, which will serve as a starting point for many others.

I don't want to say too much to avoid spoilers. All I can say is that I'm really enjoying the progress of this story and I'm sure you will too.

I really hope to finish this whole process this January.



Jeffrey Cronin

Thank you for the great work on the update. Also, thank you for giving us so many handsome future characters to interact with. I get more excited with each progress post.