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One question some players have asked is how to display the option to invite Connor to spend the night and how to find out what part of the day it is.

To explain these dynamics better, I've decided to make this post separate and public so that anyone who has the same question can learn about it.


The game day is divided into 3 parts... we can extrapolate as being morning, mid-day and late afternoon.

We can call them daily activities, so each new day the player can carry out up to 3 activities.

When the player finishes the third activity, the transition animation appears, indicating that the day is over and another one is about to begin.


Some activities take longer and take up a large part of the day, so this activity " spends" 2 of the 3 activities available for the day.

At the end of these longer activities, this message appears indicating that the player has spent a lot of time on them.

These are usually activities where the player attends parties, participates in sporting activities or has a scene (sex or conquest) that takes up a lot of time. 


Other daily activities, such as going to work out, talking to someone, investigating something... "spends" only 1 part of the day and then a message like this appears

Activities outside the house, for example, are like this

For cases where the player wants to get through the day quickly, there is the option to "take the day off" in the house choice menu, which causes all 3 parts of the day to be spent.


So, for those who have doubts about when the message inviting you to spend the night appears... the player needs to have done one long activity or at least two short activities. This leaves only one more activity in the day, which must then be spent, for example, inviting Connor to your house.


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