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I've received quite a few messages with some questions... as more than one person has asked about certain subjects, I think it's worth doing a post answering some of them for everyone, imagining that these doubts may also be those of several of you

➡ Where is Martin's story?

Due to the deadline and the work to be done on this redesign, some of the complementary stories I will make and release in the next updates.

These include Martin in the gym with Connor, Isaiah's fans on the basketball court and also some additional scenes for Luke and a future follower.

Over time, I'll do polls to find out which stories I should prioritize.


➡ What does that loop symbol and the continue mean?

In the first version many of you complained that you didn't know when the story ended, if there was more to see beyond that scene.

That's why I made this warning... when it appears at a certain point in the story, it means that you've reached the end of the story in this update, but that there will be more to come in the next ones.

But until the update is ready, you can go back to that scene as many times as you like, you may have some different dialog, but basically the scene will be a loop, until the new content is available.


➡ Will there be stories in the future with Daniel, the waiter, Martin, the fans, the guy who repairs the basketball court?

Martin and the fans on the court, yes, they'll be continued, but they'll only be complementary stories, extra scenes... they won't exactly be future targets, nor will there be a separate story for them.

The waiter at the food market and Daniel at the gym... Absolutely! 

I've already put them in there just to give you a taste and a spoiler... the idea is for them to become targets soon.

I also intend to do polls to find out which ones I should do first

As for the maintenance guy on the court, I hadn't thought of him exactly, but if people think it's something worth having a story about, I'll take it into consideration.


➡ I don't really understand why you call it a partner route. It's not the love route?

I called it partner because I couldn't think of a more appropriate and generic term to define this path... because it's not exactly just amorous.

I'm open to suggestions for another term if you think of one.

I'll even use this question as an opportunity to ask another one. 

You've noticed that the symbols on the trophy app change, right?

There are 4 symbols that basically indicate the type of relationship you have with that character

This one is self-explanatory... it appears when you choose the slave route for the character

The money symbol appears when the character agrees to have a relationship with you, but for financial reasons. Like Nick and your help paying his bills

The fire symbol indicates that the character is with you not exactly for love, but for sex... he likes the job you do! hahaha

And lastly, the love symbol means that you've managed to conquer not only the body but the heart of the character as well.

And there's nothing to stop some of the relationships being changed in the future and a character who was with you for the money ending up falling in love.



Man my reading comprehension is so off. When I first read "The Guy" I thought it was the one that helps you sabotage Nick's car and got super excited cause dominating someone so hot and dangerous sounds risky and fun. But the repairman in the court was handsome too. Regardless, I love what your doing and look forward to the future!


I forgot to mention that one. "The guy" will also have his own story and become a target. That one is a bad boy.. deserves some punishment hahah I already left a little spoiler in the scenes where he interacts on his cell phone that the main character is curious about him...


I’m sad that you removed Nick nipple suck scene in the dungeon.


I don't remember exactly which one it was... there were so many scenes... but I do remember that with Nick I imagined that since I'd already put in a lot of scenes with his nipples being sucked hahah... that people would be tired of seeing the same thing over and over again and would want to see something different being done with him. It wasn't intentional to displease the players