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One player was saying that he saved Isaiah's story with a different ending than he would have liked, now that there is more content in the other path.

And he wanted to know if there was a way for him to reset Isaiah's story.

There isn't... or rather... there wasn't.

As a player too I know that these things are very frustrating. So I decided to make a special version to fulfill this request.

It's an “extra official” version so I've put it up for download on a link on Google Drive:

Mac version

PC version

Android Version

In this version, on the main screen in the main character's house, there's a button in the bottom right-hand corner that causes Isaiah to be forgotten and his story to be reset.

But there's one thing: I haven't tested the whole version! It should work fine, but I can't guarantee that I haven't forgotten to reset something.

Download at your own risk and only if it's something you really want to do


Maybe, if this becomes something that's in demand, I can think of a new feature in the game that would make you forget the history of some characters... but that's something I need to think about carefully... because it could end up giving you a bug when the histories are too connected.


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