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Hi Folks,

The latest in the Dial Indicator project; get your fix of home shop fixturing!



By the way, keep in mind that you have a standing invite to the weekly Clickspring Discord chat that I host every Sunday at 2200 UTC. Come along, say G'day and get to know your fellow Patrons. In addition to the regular Sunday chat there is much activity at all other times of the week, on all manner of subjects.

Direct links to the video -

Vimeo:  https://vimeo.com/728543778/2d3027b95d

Youtube:  https://youtu.be/90VCfxtmi_4


Patron Series 3: Constructing a #ArtDeco Dial Indicator Part 2 (Making The Indicator Shaft Assembly)

Hi Folks, The latest in the Dial Indicator project; get your fix of home shop fixturing! Cheers, Chris. ________________________________________________________ A very special thank you to Patrons: Sinking Valley Woodworks (http://www.sinkingvalleywoodworks.com) Glenn Trewitt Christopher Warnock Guy Loughridge Charles Frodsham & Co. Peter John Richardson Adam Slagle Robin Haerens Thomas Veilleux L'Enfant Watch Company C. A. Patrick Voigt Mark Coburn Bogdan Dan Steven R. Crider Gary Levario Pete Askew Jeff Armstrong Rudolph Bescherer Jr Jonathan Teegarden Robert Petz Ralph McCoy Jim Popwell Kaedenn Bradley Pirtle Alan Carey PaxAndromeda John A McCormick Thomas Eriksen John Maksim Michael Hardel RobinP556 Tim Ball Lea Bruder RuKiddin06 Armagus Steve Hossner Dominik Rogala Xanadu-King John S Dilsaver matt mcparland Eric Witte Peter Grant Michener ________________________________________________________


N Acka

Hi Chris. Did you ever get around to completing this build? Would love to see the finished result!

Sotirios Mitsis

I am also wondering about that, would love to see this completed

Frank Kreidemaker

Hi Chris, hope all is well! Anxiously awaiting the next video on this series!

Gary Knight

Absolutely brilliant. Cheers Chris for this. Hope all's well with you.

Brian Lenz

Beautiful work as usual. Thank you for creating this channel and showing us your wonderful creations. Not sure why but this video seemed to be more stunning with your camera work. I hope your winter is going well! Cheers!!!

James Korman

Chris - You didn't mention. How do you maintain the accuracy of the rack teeth?


Just the usual, careful moves of the handwheels, slower on the feed for the finishing pass - Cheers :)

Graeme Brumfitt

Yeah nah YEAH!!! That was a bit of alright was that Chris, great, beautiful and bloody awesome mate. TFS, GB :)

Gary Bodnar

Brilliant Chris, and you video/editing, Wow ! Thanks mate :)

Jim Gunn

Hi Chris, really like this video lots of good info, when you are drilling deep holes using the mill do you use the quill feed or Z axis?

Robert Lamacraft

My favourite videos are always the ones that have nice parallels with my work in software engineering; your considerations of when and whether to build a fixture is almost identical to my considerations of whether to record a macro or write a shell script. Fascinates me how similar such different branches of engineering can be.

Justus Dehegovit

"And as tempting as it is to put together something quick and easy to maybe try and save some time, it often ends up doing the exact opposite" - Why do I feel attacked here? Great video as always, Chris


I just love the attention to detail, and this whole series about making tools has just been fascinating to me as a sometimes engineer. Thanks for sharing, Chris. Keep it up!


The thing you did at around 7:30 with the overlay of the drawing onto the part is exactly what my brain does when I work in the shop. For a second I was: "wow, how can I have his drawing so well in my mind?!"

Joe Fisher

As a woodturner who works with large lathes and toolrests made from 1" bar stock a foot long, seeing the wee little rest for your graver at 2:30 put a big smile on my face. Wonderful work, as always!


Exemplary videography and your overlays are a wonder to the eyes and mind. Still giggle with them. Amazing precision and finish on a critical part. I take it you won't heat treat the O1 to maintain stable dimensions. Always a treat for the eyes and mind, Chris. Thanks Much!

Kyle Wellman

Hello, i am late to the party, but so glad i looked at your content after the origins video from This Old Tony. Ive been watching your content on repeat all day. Absolutely fascinated and love everything im learning from you. I've been wanting to learn how to make dial indicators/test indicators for a while now, imagine my child like excited face when i seen these videos. I cant wait to try my own hand at making one, but it might be a while before i can acquire the tools needed. So in the meantime, i was wondering if you had any of your hand made dial indicators for sale?


Great to have you on board Kyle - Time permitting, I may do a short run of these at the end of the project, but I'm not really set up for production work at present - Cheers :)