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Hi Folks,

Just a quick note to say thanks for your patience regarding the delay on this next Antikythera video. There's a lot of detail to cover in this one and unfortunately its just very time consuming work to complete.

I'm pleased with how its turning out and am aiming for early May as a realistic release time for Part 1 of what has become a 2 part video.

As always, drop me a note if you'd like to say G'day, and do come and say hello in the weekly Discord chat too, every Sunday/Monday 22:00 UTC (invite link below)



Join the Clickspring Discord: https://discord.gg/ADKw4adv



William Stark

Even for you, perfection takes time. Do your thing.

Jeff Armstrong

I got nothing to add to what's already been said. I could say I can't wait but I'll have to. I know it will be worth it. For me the Antikythera work is the most important project you have going right now.