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(Update Apr 30th, 7:30am AEST)

(Short Movie) The BSC ratchet and click in operation


(Update Apr 22nd, 6:00pm AEST)

(Short Movie) Its enough to make your chips stand on end... Stress induced magnetism.


(Update Apr 18th, 10:30am AEST)

(Short Movie) Every time I do this, it still feels like magic - A domed and blued screw for the BSC suspension arm.


(Update Apr 14th, 7:30am AEST)

The working principle behind the BSC gnomon (and all of the surviving Roman era portable sundial examples) is quite different from that of a standard fixed sundial gnomon - more detail on the video.


(Update Apr 13th, 9:30am AEST)

The suspension ring for the BSC in progress.


(Update Apr 7th, 3:45pm AEST)

Back on to the BSC build - this is the latitude pointer on the suspension arm, a good excuse to throw in a generous bevelled edge. btw That project I have spent the last three weeks on is now into the next phase, I will let you know what I can as it continues to develop.


(Update Mar 18th, 6:45am AEST)

I am presently working on something exciting that fits squarely into the 'delayed gratification' category. It has taken up a massive amount of time over the last year, and has ramped up significantly in the last week, considerably slowing down video production.

I can't tell you any of the detail just yet, only that its going to take more time to complete, and that I'm certain you'll agree its worth the effort. You will be the first to know all about it when I am able to share the detail :)


Hey Folks,

The auction page for the Oiler is now live, and can be found here:


It will run for 10 days, and all proceeds will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.






Make a wish foundation links are showing as "[link removed by eBay]"


hmm thats odd - I can see them ok here - will keep an eye on it, thanks for letting me know :)

Gregor Shapiro

I wish I needed it! Just as a beautiful thing on the mantelpiece is of course an alternative... But, though I love pretty things, I am a "Function over Form" guy (or think I am).


Don't need it but I respect the skill and craftsmanship. I bid along the way for a good cause. Cheers!


Hey Chris, i have a little question for you... I've been trying to find out how the very first right angle/ square was verified for precision engineering... now we know how a dead flat plane was created, with three lapping plates, and I figured the next logical step would be exact perpendicularity. Could you shed any light on how that would have been created before the times of complex machinery and measuring equipment? I thought you would be a great person to ask, you've certainly taught us all alot about ancient tooling. Thanks mate, thoroughly enjoy your content. Danny


Hey Danny, its a great question - the artifact record is very thin so its hard to nail down specifics, but it is possible to talk in broad generalities: The fundamental engineering concepts of flatness, perpendicularity etc extend back into earliest antiquity and are evidenced in the great monumental engineering works of the cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as in their civil engineering tools (eg ancient Egyptian surveying tools). Of particular relevance to the Antikythera research is that its clear that from about the 3rd century BC until (approx) Roman conquest/annexation of Egypt, rigorous scientific study was being conducted, and that (for a variety of reasons) the achievements from this period have been largely hidden from our present view. It is likely in my opinion that much of what we presently consider to be relatively recent original thought, is almost certainly re-discovery of previously held knowledge that was simply lost entirely, or transmitted in fragmentary form. I will cover this in more detail as the series progresses - Cheers :)


Excellent answer chris, thanks. Keep up the good work with your projects, I love them!


The discussion that takes place because of your videos on the development of ancient technology is wonderful. I teach Technology, Engineering, and Design classes in a small middle school, and it never fails, I will be told that aliens built the ancient world because humans could not have known how on their own. I always have to inform them others wise and your videos have helped a great deal in my never ending discussion.

Ralph McCoy

Is there a video for the 14/4/19 post. Also I am not getting notification


Hi Ralph, not yet, I'm still working on the video. I have been updating this post without sending notifications so as not to spam inboxes - Cheers :)

Maarten Daalder

So the chips themselves get magnetised due to being cut? (They are also standing up on the collet.) You'd think that due to the heat they would get scrambled.

Phil Sydor

Wow - another fantastic production. Both in terms of the metalworking and the quality of the video.