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Starting with Nov. 30th I've paused all Patreon billing. Your current membership costs you zero for the entire next month. You are locked in rank however, unable to resubscribe, downgrade or upgrade your membershib. Cancelled membership is automatic loss of access to content until January due to how Patreon pausing works, I sadly can't change anything there.

To get straight to the point: I've burned out. In fact not just now but probably back in October already. I've been moving a snowball further and further up that got bigger and bigger. Several goals I've set for November weren't met. I couldn't produce more content ahead and got utterly destroyed by the collab, taking over more responsibilities than I should have. The only solution I see right now is getting a free mind from this and suspending all the time I spend on this hobby as I've basically become a prisoner of my own success by now. The fact that I delivered so little of what I wanted for this month is embarassing. I knew it would be tough due to the additional story but in the collab we started outdoing each other, spending more and more time competitively and wrecking our other schedules. To top it off I've sunken about 60 hours into the map of my Crazy Growing Imouto chapter 10. That is double of what I spent on the chapter itself! I made a chapter 9.5 last minute in hopes to bridge 1 weekend, then the slow progress turned it into 2 weekends, the team size went from 2 idiots to 4 idiots, then a third weekend passed until it got finally finished. Rho was hit even harder who spent far over 100 hours on creating this map.

I've tried my hardest to keep going, moving on, it will be alright, just around the corner, all will be fine soon. It wasn't. 2 other creators started collapsing even earlier which is the boom we had in the past 2 days, while I've been trying to make it until the very end. It's uploaded completely including the size charts and done and over. I've made it but at what cost? This whole thing started to negatively affect both my physical and mental health. I'm admidst writing my bachelor thesis and it's madness of me to think that I can even remotely deliver on the promises during December. This is why I decided to hault the patreon billing. I'll be back in January. Hopefully I can get back to the times of having a buffer in content. I started to track away from my schedules and piled up delays ever since the birthday special in September.

Letting some time pass and I'll be able to offer much more reliable schedules again and also much better content. You can see I learned a lot during the collab, tested many new techniques which also showed during Imouto chapter 10. The scripts for both Lisa chapter 14 and Imouto 11 have already been finished for a while. I even made some pages of Lisa 14 already. The next year will be a banger with all the things coming but right now I need 1 break. It's not a time for some empty promises again. Until Christmas I won't touch Koikatsu and focus on the things I've lost in life.

I'm thankful to all supporters who believe in me and sticked around so far and continue to stick around. Those who recently joined got atleast all the past content too. The long term Patreons, who have been subscribed for many, many months or even years are the ones I really feel bad for as the additional content this month can be summed up by 1 title: "My Crazy Growing Imouto Chapter 10" If you are such a long lasting Patreon you can ask me for a 1 month refund, Patrons with breaks, the lowest tier or only a few months of subscription won't be elegible. I'll check the DM's around Christmas, until then I won't check my Patreon or Deviantart starting with tomorrow to free my mind.

Regardless, the month of December is free and won't cost you, I might make a small little new year special once I feel better but don't wish to set my words in stone. I'll see how things are by Christmas.

Cheers! Enjoy life, enjoy growing giantesses!
- Lexy




Take a break and don’t feel guilty about it either


Take your time, we’ll still be here when you get back. Enjoy the holidays!


Oh I accidentally disabled comments, they are enabled again. I wanted to let free members be able to comment.

Daniel A Ibanez

We understand art is useless with the artist take all the time you need so you body is as strong as you imagination so you can create unrestrained

Eric Pinecones

Ey take it easy Lexy, we’ll be here for when you get back


Be safe, have fun, and have a merry Christmas 🎄 😁


Dang I just unsubbed (With the intent of resubbing as my survey message says) because I don't like to pay on the 1st with my bills. I've loved your works and hope you recover from the burnout! Best wishes and happy holidays!


Make sure to recover well and enjoy time with your family! Life is something you don't get too much of so you have to treasure it. I support you, even if its only with the little funds I have! :)


Definitely a well deserved break! Have a good Xmas and a happy new year and we will see you here in the new year!


Ah don't worry... Take the break I can take the wait. (waiting for over 12 years for a new golden sun or at least a hd-2d remake 😅😀🙂😐😢😭

Alix Kaiser

Rest easy, Lex. You're not letting us down at all. You put in so much effort and tried so hard to make us happy. It's absolutely okay to take some time to yourself and try to make yourself happy. If you ever need a break, just let us know and we'll be here when you get back. Enjoy the rest of the holiday season. ♥


Even if all we wanted would be more content... a necessary requirement for that is you being physically and mentally healthy. So take whatever time you need (really, if one month isn't enough, or you even have doubts about it, extend it as needed!). And the others already made it clear, but I'll state it as well: we want you to be happy with what you're doing. When it starts becoming a chore it's not the same anymore.