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IT'S HERE! FINALLY!... And what a chapter it is, phew. Chapter 10 is readable on my new website. I'm currently transitioning away from the old problem plagued wordpress site. You can read chapter 10 here:

>>Read here<<  

Once we finally programmed sub galleries I'll be moving everything completely over to the new site. The new site has no longer problems with different currencies. On the old site it caused sometimes problems when people tried to login paying with currencies other than €. Now it checks what tier you currently have, not the amount you pay. Until then you find the old stuff still here:
>>Imouto chapter 1-9<<




i...really want to see how big she will really get, looking forward to more.


Layla is soooooo cute in this chapter. I think I see what's going to happen in chapter 11, I can't wait


Layla stuff is always pure gold. Your dedication to her shows.

Alix Kaiser

It's finally here! And it looks like it turned out really well. It's really good to see, thank you for all of the effort ♥


Awesome chapter, i really like how you repreaent her much increased weight. Hope she not too mad at her tiny :D

mogli mogla

Best chapter yet! I really hope she is making good use of the knowledge on how to grow!


I hope she expands her lover selection to make our self-insert jealous and come back to her. I hope Layla always loves Ben the most, but now might be the time for a little tough love.