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In case you are on my discord, you might have noticed already.
I wanted to finish it before this weekend, sadly with the current headache it is terrible to work with and the panels just feel off in quality. It is going to be delayed by 1 week. Saturday, third of june is when it comes out. If I can finish it before that during the week then I'll also upload it earlier! This is sad, cause I try to pump out these comics every 3-4 weeks, now it would take 5 weeks :(




take a rest 😇😇 everything will be OK


All good, rest up, we’ll be here when you’re better.


Don't worry, I hope you get better soon


Get well soon! Your work can wait but your health can't and we'll wait here for you too!


Rest easy Lexy. You've more than earned it.

The Lone Wolf

Get your rest just get well soon and take care of yourself ❤️ we’ll be here


No worries! Take the time to rest you deserve it


Take care and rest up!

Novi Pastel

You deserve the rest, hope you feel better soon!